Thursday, August 1, 2013

What Sister's Talk About

My sister Skipper is an emergency room doctor in Nashville, TN. Currently she is a resident at Vanderbilt. As a young doctor she works a lot of nights. I suppose Skipper was coming home from work, still up, and needed someone to talk to. We had the following text conversation today. I got the following text at 1:27 AM and it went downhill from there.

Skipper: Hi!!!! Thinking of you!! Also, I am worried about the mole on your upper left chest. The one that is normally covered by your bra. How many millimeters in diameter is it? How long has it been there? Has it changed over time. Love you :)

Me: Are you on crack? Love you too.

Skipper: Ha ha no. Just my normal pills. jkjk.Was reading about bad freckles and moles and thought, holy shit, I hope April is okay.

Me: Yes, I am fine. How are you?

Skipper: Having a wonderful time. I saw a patient have a real gonnorhea cervix last night. There was like a coffee cup of smelly goo.

Me: That is nasty. That should be on a poster for safe sex. Condoms always.

Skipper: Ha ha. She had herpes too.

Me: Holy shit! Hope she wasn't a hooker. That would be what is known as a bad trick.

Skipper:Ha ha, love you too.

Yes, familia......That is all I will say.

I Came, I Saw, I Sang: Memoirs of a Singing Telegram Delivery Girl

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