Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Cleaning

They say everything you need is in front of you. That applies in two instances: one, meditation. Two, spring cleaning. Yes, I am cleaning my apartment so I can BREATHE. Man, I have outfits that I couldn’t remember where I put them. It’s crazy how that just happens automatic like that. I am already starting to feel better. With the polar vortex I picked up a lot of depression and a lot of dirt.

Lately a lot has been going through my mind. I don’t know what the fuck I am supposed to be doing with myself. When I first came to New York I wanted to be an actress and nothing else. Yeah, I wanted to do ventriloquism and write my own shit. Then I got pulled into comedy and spent my weekends on the road seeing a lot of places and meeting a lot of people. After which I became a reality TV star and a talking head online getting a somewhat nice following. Then I wrote a book and published in some cool places. I have been all over the map. I don’t know where to go next or to return to a previous destination.

I am having doors open in a few different mediums. Two are nice deals, one is with ventriloquism and the other is with the singing telegram stuff. The third is with my writing. Oh and then I am doing more standup again. I had management several years ago and did better when I dumped them. Then I had a few misses. Again, I don’t know what to do next.

Either way the closet is clean(er) and there is food in the refrigerator. At least those basics are covered. Sigh, now to do my shoes

I Came, I Saw, I Sang: Memoirs of a Singing Telegram Delivery Girl

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